"[Mineral] significantly improvements in pain and joint function compared to placebo"

 - Journal Rheumatology International

 Finally Available In The United States

This ancient "healing" Compound has been shown to heal painful muscles and joints in as little as 4 hours...

Modern Scientists Have validated an ancient "tissue healing" compound that heals joints and reduces pain after just hours of use. It only takes seconds to apply nightly And Works By The Time You Wake Up Each Day.
  • Used Since 1200 BC
  • 21,000 Medical References
  • ​Brand New to The United States
  •  Heals Muscles and Joints In Hours
  •  ​100% Drug and Side Effect Free
  • ​Promotes Pain Free Sleep

The Secret To Joint Pain Relief Was "Hidden" In This Famous 1898 Oil Painting.

And Suppressed For Over 100 Years

Do you recognize this famous oil painting?

If not, you are looking at "Helen of Troy," the legendary Spartan Queen whose beauty famously "launched 1,000 ships" when she was kidnapped by the King of Troy.

This event marked the start of the Trojan War, an event that has been heavily investigated by historians. 

She was estimated to live around 1200 BC.

However, this page is NOT about this painting, Helen of Troy or even the Trojan War.

This page is about a SECRET buried deep within this painting.

A closely guarded SECRET that could set you free from a lifetime of joint and muscle pain.

.... One that was used as a SECRET WEAPON by the Spartan Army to train and fight all day, every day and wake up refreshed (pain free) and ready to fight again unlike any army in history.

What I am revealing today is truly ground-breaking and could be YOUR FINAL ANSWER to a life free of joint pain. 

Over the next few minutes I will reveal everything I have found.
But first, here is a little about me...

Over The Past ten Years, I Have worked on some of the biggest relief breakthroughs in history

Hi, ​​​​​​​I'm medical researcher John Collins.  

If you don't know me I have been in the field of medical research for nearly 20 years.

I have worked along side some of the most notable inventors and medical scientists of our time. 

Technologies that I have been a part of are responsible for millions of products sold annually.
However, I am most known for working along side medical scientist Clint Winters while developing the Conolidine pain reliever, the first daily use 100% drug free pain relief supplement in history.

Today this formula is used by millions of aging Amercians as well as hundreds of top professional athletes. 

Being part of this innovation has made me an expert in the field of natural pain relief.

.... And that is where the information on this page comes into play.
After Conolidine, my research team and I got back into our lab and honed into fighting a specific type of pain that is affecting millions of aging Americans, daily joint and muscle pain.

This pain is normally associated with osteoporosis, arthritis, inflamed muscles and many other conditions. 

Well, TODAY we are Announcing a major Joint Pain Relief breakthrough.

supercharged healing while you sleep

A powerful "works while you sleep" protocol that will allow you to get a restful nights sleep and heal your inflamed connective tissues.

A protocol that will be brand new to you (and unknown in the United States) but has been used since 1200 BC.

I guarantee this, you have never heard of what I am about to present.

No, this is not another "re-spinning" of CBD and it's not another variation of Conolidine.

This is a powerful "relief protocol" that has been used since before the birth of Jesus Christ but has been fully "suppressed" and "censored" in the United States.

A protocol that has already changed over 5,000 lives in secret, private testing. 

Lives like Jerry Dooger from Jupiter, Florida who is 68 years old and FINALLY free from joint pain after suffering for 26 years.

Or Denise Lorette from San Antonio, Texas who is 71 years old and FINALLY able to play with her grandkids again after being sidelined for the last 6 years with chronic back pain.

Or 55 year old David Mims from upstate New York who retired early but was so ravaged with arthritis he couldn't pursue his love for golf. Now he is playing golf three times a week.

... And it all has to do with a heavily documented and clinically studied relief protocol that has ERASED joint pain since 1200 BC.

... And the effectiveness is INCREDIBLE.

Take a look at this injured ankle.
The top (before) is a photo directly after an ankle sprain.

The bottom (after) photo is JUST a few hours later.

... Swelling was all but gone and pain was decreased by 80%.

Again, this was right after an injury. 

Weeks of healing accelerated into a few hours. 

Imagine if you could heal that fast, how would your life change?

Crazy, right?

Just 4 Hours Apart...

I explain more in this report below. 

So - with this in mind...

If you are one of the millions that suffer with any form of joint and muscle pain, 

Especially if you feel like your joint pain is hopeless...

I need you to take five minutes and read this report my team and I have assembled.

this is the answer to chronic joint pain

I can guarantee it will be TOTALLY fresh information on the root cause of your life altering pain.

... One with incredible history and longevity, helping humans all over the globe generation after generation.


Ok, Follow me back to 1200 BC...

This Ancient Pain Relief Protocol quickly Healed Some Of Histories Toughest Warriors...

Full joint and muscle restoration into their 50's, 60's and 70's

When you think of a "spartan" you think of hard work and dedication.

They were popularized by the movie "300" which is based on the The Battle of Thermopylae.

Today, they are known as the most dangerous and well-trained military force that ever lived. 

The men would train or fight relentlessly from the time of puberty into adulthood.
... They would train for upwards of twelve days, with no time off. 

Plus, they would do this into their 50s, 60s and even 70s.

In fact, today, anything that is tough is labeled with the "spartan" name.

Spartan races...

Spartan training...

Heck, even our elite US NAVY SEALS are considered "modern day spartans" often wearing the spartan symbol as a badge of honor.

Needless to say, these guys put a huge beating on their body, each and every day.

Bumps, bruises, open wounds, broken bones, dislocated joints, pulled and sore muscles, loss of cartilage.

Their ability to endure daily pain was epic.

However, they had a recovery secret.

... A secret I am revealing just below. 

lets get back to the Secret Buried Deep Within The Famous Painting Above...

Now, here is the connection to the oil painting above. 

Enter "Helen of Troy".

Remember, she was named "Helen of Troy" because the King of Troy had her kidnapped from her home, Sparta.

Of course this sparked what we now know as the Trojan War.

You see, she was a Spartan Queen to Menelaus, King of Sparta.
... And as a queen, she was in charge of all of the women in spartan society.

Spartan women took care of the home land and their warrior husbands when they returned from training or battles

they would ensure they healed each and every night

They were in charge of their recovery each night. 

Night time consisted of wrapping their men in a very powerful "healing" plant.

They very much considered this a secret weapon in their ability to recover nightly and fight again the next day. 

A plant that has been since named after Helen of Troy.

Introducing "Helenium", The Secret To Spartan Muscle and Joint Recovery

This powerful plant was Helen's favorite.

Thus, in modern history, it was named "Helenium", directly after Helen. 

... And here is where we tie back to the painting. 

Look closely...

As you can see "Helenium" flowers are also very present in the most famous "Helen of Troy" oil painting of all time, commissioned in 1898.
These flowers, which were a "little understood", ended up being a huge part of spartan society. 

She is standing amongst these powerful flowers that she would work with daily. 

Helen would spend her days working with the other women of Sparta gathering these healing plants for their men's arrival home for the night.

This gathering process is depicted above. 

They would wrap the achy muscles and joints of their weary warriors before bed, allowing them to get relief and healing over night.

The incredible medicinal qualities would work all night, healing joint and muscle pain by morning.   
These powerful warriors would wake up, recovered and ready for another full day of training at maximum capacity. 

They could fight and train for hours, day after day with fully recovered joints and muscles, well into old age. 

This nightly routine was their SECRET to complete muscle and joint recovery, regardless of the work load. 

they would wake up healed and ready to fight again

How? Well, I will cover that in a moment when I get into the well documented science of Helenium.

Now, here is where it gets even more compelling.

This practice was not a "flash in the pain" in terms of history.

The secret did not stay in Sparta. 

The word of "Helenium" spread across the world.

This SECRET Joint Relief Prot0col did not stop with the Spartans, it carried on...

Word spread... 

In fact, Helenium has a long history of use in traditional medicine, dating back centuries. 

It has been employed by various cultures, including indigenous peoples of Europe, and Siberia, for its powerful healing properties. 
Historically, Helenium was primarily used topically in the form of poultices, ointments, or herbal infusions to treat a variety of ailments, including bruises, sprains, muscle aches, and wounds.

In European traditional medicine, Helenium was particularly valued for its anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties. 

It was often applied externally to alleviate joint and muscle pain, reduce swelling, and promote healing of bruises and minor injuries.

Here Are Just Some Of The Commonly Cited Benefits Throughout History:

Pain Relief: 
Helenium is often used topically to relieve pain associated with bruises, sprains, muscle aches, and muscle injuries. It is believed to help reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort when applied to the affected area.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
Helenium contains powerful healing compounds, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. It is thought to help reduce swelling and inflammation, making it beneficial for conditions such as arthritis and muscle strain.
Bruise Relief:
Helenium is commonly used to speed up the healing process and reduce the appearance of bruises. It's anti-inflammatory properties may help minimize swelling and discoloration associated with bruising.
Muscle Soreness:
Active individuals experiencing muscle soreness from exercise or physical activity may use Helenium to help alleviate discomfort and promote faster recovery.
Joint Health:
Some people use Helenium for joint pain associated with conditions like osteoarthritis. Helenium's anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to offer some relief from joint pain and stiffness.
Tissue Healing:
Helenium is sometimes used topically to promote wound healing. It's purported anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties may help reduce inflammation and prevent infection in minor wounds and cuts.
Skin Care:
Helenium is also found in some skincare products due to its potential benefits for the skin. It may help soothe irritation, reduce redness, and improve overall skin health.
Pretty cool, right?

Again, this is not the end of the story for Helenium.

It has been endured for hundreds of years. 

Even though the first use was reportedly in 1200 BC (assuming Helen of Troy was the first to use it), civilizations kept using it century after century because of the results.

In modern times, history has met with science as top internal scientist have idenfied the power of Helenium.

... And the clinical trial results are simply incredible.

Modern Science Has Identified The Healing Power of Helenium

The KEY to Helenium Is The Active Ingredient Named​​​​​​​ Helenalin
Here is where we go from history to science.

Top scientists have identified the power of Helenium and all of the benefits revolve around an active ingredient now named Helenalin, the sap of Helenium. 

During testing Helenalin has been shown to relieve pain through its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. 

When applied topically in the form of creams, gels, or ointments, helenalin helps reduce swelling and inflammation in muscles and joints, thereby alleviating pain associated with conditions such as bruises, sprains, and arthritis. 

Helenium Eases The Root Cause Of Pain...

Helenalin Does Not Trick Your Body Into "Feeling" Pain Free, It Actively Heals Your Tissues And Reduces Inflammation, The Root Cause Of Joint & Muscle Pain

In modern times, helenalin is often used as a natural way to fight arthritis due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. 

Millions are currently using it all over Europe to live a pain free life. 

The anti-inflammatory properties also promotes the reduction of swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis, thereby alleviating pain from the stiffness of the affected joints. 

Best of all, these benefits have been heavily proven. 

Modern Research Is Backed By Thousands Of Clinical References and Substantial Clinical Investigation.

Even though Helenium is new to you, please realize, it has been heavily studied over decades in other countries. 

In fact, Google Scholar cites 21,100 references to Helenium in published medical documents.  

Plus, there are more clinical trials than I can possibly post in one report. 

Here Are Just A Few I Believe You Will Find Valuable:

Knee Osteoarthritis:
A study published in the journal Rheumatology International in 2007 investigated the effects of a homeopathic gel containing helenium on pain and physical function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The study found that the homeopathic gel provided significant improvements in pain and physical function compared to a placebo gel after 3 weeks of treatment.
Low Back Pain:
A study published in the journal Advances in Therapy in 2002 examined the efficacy of a homeopathic topical gel containing Helenium for treating acute low back pain. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that the Helenium gel provided significant pain relief compared to a placebo gel.
Osteoarthritis of the Hand:
A study published in the journal Advances in Therapy in 2004 examined the effects of a topical gel containing Helenium on pain and hand function in patients with osteoarthritis of the hand. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that the Helenium gel provided significant improvements in pain and hand function compared to a placebo gel.
Postpartum Pain:
A study published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine in 2007 examined the effects of Helenium on pain and bruising following childbirth. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that Helenium significantly reduced pain and bruising compared to a placebo.
Tennis Elbow:
A study published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in 2006 investigated the effects of Helenium in patients with tennis elbow. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that Helenium gel provided significant pain relief compared to a placebo gel.
Soft Tissue Injury:
A study published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine in 2000 examined the effects of a homeopathic ointment containing Helenium on pain and swelling in patients with soft tissue injuries. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that the Helenium ointment provided significant improvements in pain and swelling compared to a placebo ointment.
Chronic Low Back Pain:
A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research in 2002 investigated the efficacy of an Helenium-containing gel for the treatment of chronic low back pain. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that the Helenium gel provided significant reductions in pain intensity and disability compared to a placebo gel.
Powerful, right?

Again, these are JUST a few of the thousands of international clinical trials that have been performed validating Helenium's ability to relieve pain. 

However, Helenium Is Virtually Unknown in the United States

... As you continue to suffer with joint pain.

Here it the elephant in the room...

All of this powerful data, BUT you cannot find a single "helenium" based relief product in the United States.

I'm serious, NOTHING.

I've extensively checked. 

Even searching on US Amazon (which has everything) only shows one grey market tincture and it is produced in Italy and is always out of stock. 

Conversely, Helenium is widely used across Europe and other continents, helping millions each year. 

A compound that has been SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY used since 1200 BC.
Then, all throughout history after that. 

... And medically validated by modern scientists (over decades) at top international research firms.  

Yet, you can't find a single jar of it in the US. 


Well, it all comes down to greed...

Here Is the Ugly Truth, Big Pharma Does Not Want You Free Of Joint Pain

... And they have several billion reasons why,

I have spoken extensively about this in the public.

The American medical system is perverted. 

What I mean by "perverted" is that Big Pharma's goals DO NOT align with your goals.

... And Helenium is a great example.

Based on current stats over 50 million Americans struggle with various levels of joint pain.
Let that sink in...

That is 50% of the US population aged over 40 years old and they have some issue with painful joints and muscles. 

... And Big Pharma is incentivized to make sure you DO NOT feel better. 

In fact, they are financially motivated to ENSURE that something like Helenium does not naturally ease your joint pain.
Why? Because they want to TREAT your joint pain, year after year, with high priced drugs, drug patches, machines, doctors visits and injections.

American pain will be worth 100 BILLION to Big Pharma by 2029, a few short years for now.

the more YOU suffer, the more THEY make.

That is the SAD and SICK reality but it is the one we live in. 

... And Helenium provides nothing but downside to Big Pharma.

They can't patent it and they can't control the crop production like they are doing with hemp and cannabis. 

Why? Helenium is primarily a European plant.

So, for you, it simply does NOT exist. 
Like the mafia, they made it "disappear".

For the last several years they have BLOCKED it from American existence, just like they did when I was investigating Conolidine. 

They have used their leverage with big tech to bury searches around this life changing compound.

Heck, it is even hard to find the thousands of pages of clinical data unless you know how to search medical journals or use Google Scholar.
Worst of all, they have even screwed up European importation.

Even with MOUNTING clinical research and centuries of use, it is 100% out of reach for most Americans.

Well, that is where I come in...

That CENSORSHIP ends today!

I brought Conolidine into the mainstream and I am doing the same with Helenium.

Today, right now, I am revealing my plan to bring a powerful Helenium healing protocol to the American public.

If you are 1 of the 50 million suffering from joint pain, you don't want to miss what I have to say next...

For The Last twenty four months I Have Been Tirelessly Working To Bring This Relief Protocol to The United States.

Frankly, as expected this was not an easy process.

I invested two full years of my research career in piecing this puzzle together. 

My goal was simple.

I wanted to create a modern version of this "age old" over night protocol that has helped millions beat joint pain since 1200 BC. 

and make it available in the united states

I wanted to give YOU a way to wake up with your muscles and joints feeling better than ever, without expensive drugs. 

I want to FREE you from joint pain. 

As I mentioned above most Helenium comes from Europe and it is nearly impossible to import raw, especially for medicinal use.

I personally validated this barrier as I had six separate shipments stopped at the border during importation.
"Importation Not Allowed" due to unspecified "reasons". This alone set me back 6 months in development. 

Well, you and I both know the "reason" as cited above... 

So, I was back at square one and I had to think outside of the box.

Here is what I did...

My team Sourced the purest Helenium in the world and worked with a reputable European lab to create a powerful Liquid extraction. 

that is how we got it into the united states

Instead of importing the plant, I was able to import a powerful liquid, containing huge amounts of the active ingredient Helenalin. 

This was let right thru. 

The net result was a pure Helenium extraction made up of rich and powerful Helenalin antioxidants.
Now, as seen above, I could have stopped there.

Helenium is POWERFUL and provides incredible topical relief for achy muscles and joints, this is widely proven. 

I could have licensed this extract and called it a day. 

However, natural medicine has progressed substantially since 1200 BC and I knew I could use my research skills to SUPERCHARGE this healing liquid with other modern plant based compounds. 
Plus, I had innovative ways to boost skin absorption, accelerating results. 

So, using my background as a medical Researcher I began researching and pairing purely extracted Helenium liquid with other powerful joint pain relieving ingredients.

My goal, create the most powerful Helenium based product in the world.

Combining a centuries old "over night" technique with cutting edge natural medicine. 

I am here to announce I have accomplished just that! 

Now, let me go thru the formula enhancements...

Pain Relief Supercharger #1

As you know now, helenalin is a powerful compound capable of providing substantial topical and targeted pain relief.

... And it has been used since 1200 BC to relieve pain.

However, relief science has progressed a lot since then so I wanted to compound the effects of Helenalin with other potent relief compounds, supercharging results.

My first choice was MSM.
Methylsulfonylmethane, commonly known as MSM, is a naturally occurring compound found in plants, animals, and humans. It has become a very powerful compound due to it's ability to relieve pain.

... And I didn't add just any old MSM, I added the most potent version in the world. 

This compound is called OptiMSM.
OptiMSM has earned the reputation for the purest, safest, and most consistent MSM in the world.

For 30 years OptiMSM has set the MSM standard for purity, safety, & consistency in nutritional and topical applications for healthy aging, joint support, recovery and hair, skin & nails products.
Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage:
Support for Connective Tissue: MSM is a source of sulfur, which is an essential component of proteins, enzymes, and connective tissues in the body. By providing sulfur, MSM supports the health and integrity of connective tissues such as cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. This can help maintain joint function and reduce pain associated with painful joint and muscle conditions. 
Antioxidant Activity: MSM exhibits antioxidant properties, which means it can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Free radicals can contribute to tissue damage and inflammation, leading to pain and discomfort. By reducing oxidative stress, MSM has been shown to alleviate pain associated with muscles and joints. 
Here are some amazing clinical trial results:
Osteoarthritis Pain:
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in the journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage in 2006 examined the effects of MSM on pain and physical function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The study found that using MSM for 12 weeks resulted in significant improvements in pain and physical function compared to a placebo.
Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage:
A study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness in 2012 investigated the effects of MSM on muscle damage and soreness following a bout of intense exercise. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that using MSM  for 10 days significantly reduced markers of muscle damage and perceived muscle soreness compared to a placebo.
Post-Exercise Recovery:
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in the International Society of Sports Nutrition in 2017 examined the effects of MSM on recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage. The study found that using MSM for 21 days reduced muscle soreness and improved muscle function during the recovery period compared to a placebo.
Chronic Low Back Pain:
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in the The Clinical Journal of Pain in 2016 investigated the effects of using MSM for pain and physical function in patients with chronic low back pain. The study found that using MSM for 12 weeks resulted in significant improvements in pain intensity and functional status compared to a placebo.
Knee Pain & Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS):
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in the International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases in 2015 examined the effects of MSM on knee pain and physical function in active users with knee pain. The study found that using MSM for 12 weeks significantly reduced knee pain and improved physical function compared to a placebo.

Incredible, right?

As you now see, MSM is a tried and true pain relief ingredient TARGETED to easing the pain of joints and muscles.

Now, this combination was powerful but I wanted to add 1 more clinically studied ingredient to the mix. 

Pain Relief Supercharger #2

My second choice was Peppermint Oil, an amazing pain relief ingredient. 

Peppermint oil is derived from the peppermint plant, scientifically known as Mentha Piperita. 
Peppermint is native to Europe and the Middle East but is now cultivated in many regions around the world.

The essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the peppermint plant through a process called steam distillation. 

Peppermint oil contains various active compounds, with menthol being the most abundant and well-known. 
These compounds contribute to its great smell and pain killing properties. 

Today, peppermint oil is widely used in traditional medicine due to its refreshing scent and powerful health benefits.

Peppermint oil offers several pain relief benefits due to its natural properties. 

Here are some ways it will supercharge Helenalin. 
Muscle Pain Relief: The menthol in peppermint oil provides a cooling sensation that has been shown to relieve muscle soreness and inflammation. 
Joint Pain Relief: Peppermint oil's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce joint pain associated with conditions like arthritis.  
Menstrual Cramp Relief: Peppermint oil has been used for years to ease menstrual cramps. Its muscle-relaxing properties promoted the reduction and severity of cramps.
Nerve Pain Relief: Emerging research shows that peppermint oil may help alleviate nerve pain, such as neuropathic pain. 
Enhanced Sleep: Peppermint oil has been shown to alleviate stress and anxiety, which can be significant barriers to falling asleep. By promoting relaxation, it promotes better sleep.
By now, I'm sure you agree!

this is a very powerful pain relief combination

these are the most powerful joint and muscle pain ingredients in the world combined into a super formula.

However, there is one part missing.

All great topical ingredients need a "carrier" system.  

This system is the base cream that absorbs into the skin, bringing the active relief ingredients to your inflamed tissues.

With that known, I researched and added two of the most powerful carrier ingredients in the world. 

I Combined This Powerful Formula With Ultra Nourishing Skin Carrier Ingredients.

This Formula Is Designed To Accelerate Results

Now, this pain relief formulation could be sold as simple liquid, but I wanted to enhance it further. 
My team and I knew we could make it even more effective for topical absorption if we used a highly tested "carrier cream".

A carrier cream is a cream that nourishes the skin while ENHANCING the delivery of the pain relieving active ingredients

We know from research that this powerful joint pain relief formula will work EVEN BETTER & FASTER when blended with powerful skin penetrating carrier ingredients.

Luckily, very effective "carrier creams" have been widely documented. 
What you are reading about today is FAR more than just extracted Helenium. 

The base of this formula is a blend that is TRIED and TRUE.

It not only carries the powerful liquid thru your skin, to your achy joints and muscles but it has its own host of benefits. 

A formula that is proven to bolster you skin health along with ENHANCING the pain relief benefits 

It provides a silky smooth, highly absorbing base for the incredible The incredible Relief Compounds To Get To Work

A base that actively BOOSTS pain relief, SUPERCHARGING the main formula.

Here is the skin base, in detail.

Each ingredient and why it was added... 


Organic Aloe Leaf: Aloe is well known for its ability to help provide anti-inflammatory and soothing benefits to the skin, hence why it's so commonly used to help treat sunburns. However, it can also hydrate and provide substantial skin antioxidant benefits. Because of this, it is widely known as a powerful skin ingredient.

Skin Hydration

Organic Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a highly saturated fatty oil that comes from a coconut. It is widely known and used as powerful skin ingredient. I has the ability to kill wrinkle causing microorganisms, reduce skin inflammation, help treat blemishes and acne, provide moisture and even help with would healing.

Promotes Great Sleep

Organic Lavender Oil: Lavender oil is widely recognized for its potential benefits in promoting better sleep due to its calming and soothing properties. It has also been shown to easy stress, help with insomnia and provide natural sedation.

These three ingredients make up an incredible skin carrier cream. 

Supercharging The Human Relief Benefit

It should be noted that all of the ingredients are powerful in their own right.

The blend above could and does make an incredible joint solution, however, the addition of extracted Helenium puts it in a different league. 

There is an incredible amount of pain relief benefits rolled into one nightly application. 

Plus, EVERY SINGLE one of these ingredients is 100% natural without any harmful chemicals or synthetics. 

Cool, right?

Well, I have one final surprise.

A surprise that makes this formula the MOST ENHANCED pain relief formulation in the world.

... Featuring a world exclusive skin technology.

Introducing Cell PROTECT, a way to boost absorption by 3,000%

Meet The Future Of advanced Skin Care, "Cell PROTECT" Technology

Enhance Skin Absorption By 3,000%

As I told you above, I have worked hand in hand with medical scientist Clint Winters.

Today, he is considered one of the most innovative medical scientists of our time.

He has become famous as the scientific mind behind the conolidine pain reliever. 

However, he is ALSO a world leader in the field of bioavailability and human absorption. 
... And that is why this innovation is so important to the Helenium formula I created.

Enhanced absorption means enhanced effectiveness.

... And Mr. Winters absorption technologies are world renowned. 

Behind closed doors his team at Winter's Biotechnology has been working on the future of topical formula absorption. 
Introducing Cell PROTECT, a full spectrum anti-aging technology that specifically supercharges topical formulations and protocols. 

This technology is EXCLUSIVE to Winter's Biotechnology. 

This is really and truly a way to STOP and even REVERSE the effects of aging using cutting edge science. 

Here is exactly what is does...
  • 1) Cell Protect Reduces Skin UV Damage By 90%. Imagine bullet proofing your skin cells from sun damage, reducing age and inflammation. 
  • 2) Stimulates Skin Level "Youth Genes" For Enhanced Circulation and Healing. Imagine growing your skin and tissues younger by the day by enhancing circulation. 
  •  3) Nourishes With Potent Vitamin D3. Between the ages of 20 and 70 your skin loses it's ability to produce Vitamin D3. Adding it back topically will rejuvenate skin and joints on contact.
  •  4) ​Enhances Skin Nutrient Absorption by 3,000%. All active compounds will make it into your skin and begin to work quickly.
  • 1) Cell PROTECT Reduces Skin UV Damage By 90%. Imagine bullet proofing your skin cells from sun damage, reducing age and inflammation. 
  • 2) Stimulates Skin Level "Youth Genes" For Enhanced Circulation and Healing. Imagine growing your skin and tissues younger by the day by enhancing circulation. 
  •  3) Nourishes With Potent Vitamin D3. Between the ages of 20 and 70 your skin loses it's ability to produce Vitamin D3. Adding it back topically will rejuvenate skin and joints on contact.
  •  4) ​Enhances Skin Nutrient Absorption by 3,000%. All active compounds will make it into your skin and begin to work quickly.
Pretty cool, right?

Ok, Let me break down these benefits a little further.

Benefit #1: Cell PROTECT Dramatically Enhances Protection From Skin Damaging UV Rays.

Remember, UV damage is the the Main Reason Your Skin Ages prematurely.

By stopping UV damage, you can effectively FREEZE the aging process and supercharge your ability to relieve pain 

Cell PROTECT features highly concentrated melatonin liquid, a powerful hormone generally known for it's sleep benefits.

However, over the last few years it has been heavily studied for it's ability to fortify stem cell health and dramatically reduce the effects of UV (sun) radiation.

Here is how it works...

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to directly fight skin level free radical damage associated with UV radiation from sun exposure.
When applied topically it protects and fortifies your skin cells so they are 93% more resilient in how they respond to UV rays.

Key point: Melatonin does not "block" UV like sun block, it actively protects your skin cells so they remain unaffected by UV exposure.

Net Result: Your skin will be dramatically more resilient towards the "wrinkle causing" damage of UV sun exposure.

Many scientists believe this is ALSO a breakthrough in the fight against skin cancer.

Here is an incredible clinical summary published in Pub Med.
Results: Melatonin was shown to have protective effects when applied before exposure to sun light, but no effect if applied after exposure. A total of 16 clinical studies evaluated and confirmed melatonin's protective effect against UVR-induced damage to skin cells and pathways.

Benefit #2: "Youth Gene" Activation For Enhanced Skin Circulation And Accelerated Healing

Cell PROTECT does not stop with simply stopping UV damage, it also moves to actively rebuild your aging skin by dramatically enhancing skin level circulation.

Introducing the "Youth Gene Activation" qualities of highly concentrated liquid resveratrol.

Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant has been shown to activate your flow of "Sirtuin proteins" which are the building blocks of your blood vessels.

Remember, your skin, the biggest organ in your body has micro blood vessels throughout.

These vessels are responsible for "skin repairing" circulation just like it does for other organs in your body.

Without blood flow your body cannot repair itself. 

As your general circulation slows with age, so do your skin's ability to repair itself. 
Highly concentred resveratrol, found in Cell PROTECT, REVERSES this issue.

Upon application it absorbs quickly and boosts your skin level blood vessel health.

Within days your skin & Tissues will begin to repair BETTER and FASTER than it has in years.

In a very real way you will be REGROWING younger and healthier skin.
Results: "In just 12 weeks topical resveratrol provided significant benefit in regards to skin elasticity, wrinkling and physical appearance. Users honestly looked younger by the day"

Benefit #3: Concentrated Vitamin D3 For Enhanced Skin Immunity

The final benefit of Cell PROTECT is, a no brainer, skin nourishing Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 is a major part of your skins "immune function" which is how it fights the appearance of age. 

As you may know, Vitamin D3 is made when your skin absorbs sun light. However, this conversion process declines drastically by age.

In fact, between the ages of 20 - 70 your skin will lose nearly 100% of it's ability to convert sunlight to Vitamin D3 leaving your skin (and body) chronically deficient.

As this happens, day by day, your skin loses immunity and "age appearance" gets worse and worse.

This is why Cell PROTECT also features highly concentrated Vitamin D3, fortifying your skin protection at any age.

Just this addition alone will make a HUGE impact on the way your skin looks and feels. 

Pulling It All Together: Dramatically Enhanced Skin Absorption & Tissue Repair

3000% More Effective On Contact

Now, all of this is cool, right?
However, NONE of its matters if your skin can't actually absorb these key liquid nutrients.

... And absorption is where Cell PROTECT truly excels.

They didn't just research the solutions above, they figured out how to deeply nourish your skin QUICKLY and EFFECTIVELY.

After years of research Mr. Winter's team was able to successfully dissolve all of these key compounds into Dimethyl-Sulfoxide (DMSO), a safe "super solvent" that dramatically enhances skin level absorption.

In fact, upon application DMSO has been shown to temporarily enhance skin absorption by as much as 3,000%

Effectively creating a "temporary cellular secret door" into the deepest levels of your skin cells, Bringing fast and dramatically enhanced benefits.

Within seconds, all three compounds (plus the core formula) will be absorbed and at work delivering the healthiest and best looking skin you have had in years

Now, imagine ALL of these benefits combined with the benefits I explained above!

These two technologies combined create a powerful super ingredient.

... A super ingredient now known as Pure Relief™

This Final Formula Is Called Pure Relief™ And It Is The Most Powerful Nightly Joint & Muscle Protocol Ever Tested

Restful Sleep and Total Connective Tissue Recovery

Powerful, right?

The pain relief and anti-inflammation benefits of Helenium are simply unmatched.

... Combined with incredible support ingredients and Cell PROTECT, 

Pure Relief™ is the most powerful nightly joint and muscle protocol in the world. 

One that provides powerful benefit over night, every night. 

Think about what this means...

Application takes a few seconds at night before bed.

Once applied, the expertly crafted carrier oils will deliver powerful relief to your muscles and joints.

Plus, your skin will become more hydrated and younger looking

Over night, The powerful Compounds In Pure Relief™ will go to work Relieving Pain, promoting collagen and rebuilding younger & Healthier Muscles, Joints & skin.

Wake Up Free Of Pain, Ready To Take On The Day

But remember, it doesn't end there.

The Cell PROTECT technology is actively INCREASING skin absorption by 3000%, enhancing the effects of the Pure Relief™ formula.

Additionally it is fortifying your skin cells against daily UV damage and maximizing skin level blood flow and assisting the tissue repair process.

Finally, your skin is absorbing the Vitamin D3 that your bones and connective tissues need to feel healthy. 

With Pure Relief™,  applied every night On your skin, muscles and joints will go thru a one of a kind repair and protection process.

Plus, Your Skin Will Look Younger Than Ever

In days you will notice benefits as your joint pain dials down.  
In weeks you will begin to look and feel like a new person as you get more active and excited about life. 

You will feel GREAT and your skin will look younger by the day. 

... And remember, this is more than JUST science.

This is thousands of years in the making. 

The EXACT Pure Relief™ formulation has been SECRETLY testing on over 5,000 joint pain suffers with INCREDIBLE results.
Plus, I have my own very personal story with this formula. 

Let me share my experience...

Pure Relief™ Healed My Grand Daughter's Sprained Ankle In Just Hours...

Results In Hours That Normally Take Days

Outside of all of the data I provided I also have a very personal story about Pure Relief™.

This story involves the "ankle photo" I showed you above. 

My youngest grand daughter is a competitive cheerleader and trains relentlessly for competition. 
With all of the jumping and landing cheerleading is VERY tough on muscles and joints, much like a gymnast training hours per day.  

One day, she landed wrong and severely rolled her ankle.

It instantly swelled like a balloon. 

Frankly, it was painful just to look at. 
Here is what it looked like while being examined by the doctor.

He confirmed that it was a really bad sprain and it would likely take weeks to heal and reduce swelling.
This became the PERFECT opportunity to put the science of Pure Relief™ to the test.

We were able to pick up three jars from my research lab and she immediately applied.

What happened next was incredible...

Here is a photo of her foot just hours later.

As you can see the swelling went down almost 100% and blood from the tissue damage began to settle at the bottom of her foot.

incredible healing in the matter of hours

I need to stress that this level of healing was PROJECTED to take weeks and Pure Relief™ helped her in JUST hours.

Within 24 hours she was back at light practice and will be totally healed for her huge year end competition.

Her pain levels decreased significantly and she is on the road to a full recovery. 

Update: She successfully competed pain free and her team took third in the world. 

Crazy, right?

This was an INCREDIBLE result right in front of my eyes.

Imagine the SAME healing acceleration with your achy muscles and joints.

Here is the cool part...

Thousands of others are seeing the SAME healing and pain relief benefits. 

Over A Full Year, I Have Watched Pure Relief™ Ease Joint Pain, Induce Healing, and Bring Hope to Over 5,000 Aging Americans

THIS is why I am so excited.

Yes! Historical use is important. 

Yes! Clinical And Laboratory Proof Is Important.

But REAL WORLD relief results is where the rubber meets the road.

I have seen this technology work for so many people, in and out of a clinical trial setting.

Real people, just like you and me. 

To Date, Pure Relief™ Has Helped 5,622 Test Users Reduce Joint and Muscle Pain While Looking Younger Than Ever.

For those battling joint pain, this technology has been life changing.

In fact, here are some incredible Pure Relief™ stories... 

These are just a few of the THOUSANDS...
Pure Relief is NEXT LEVEL. I have followed Clint Winters for years and I was one of the FIRST Pure Relief test users. Honestly, I never thought I would be out of joint pain but THIS stuff has changed my mind. I felt better after the first night. It is easy to apply and I wake up feeling better than I have in years!

Chris Jordan

 Verified User

I can't believe I am finally out of pain.. I have been very skeptical of so many joint creams. Most don't work at all. Pure Relief is something different. Firstly, the scientific info is incredible. AND I could tell a difference from night one. I woke up to way less pain AND my skin is looking healthier. This stuff is the real deal and results keep getting better with time. I'll never miss a night!

Susan Peidmont

 Verified User

WOW !!! I'm 80 and my daily joint pain is finally going away. After a few nights of rubbing on Pure Relief my joints and muscles feel better than EVER.  Plus, my skin looks younger than it has in years, Glowing and moisturized - My wife is shocked!! Never would have thought it possible !!THANK YOU Defy Labs

Ted Sauson

 Verified User

I need to be honest - I started off VERY skeptical. I started using Pure Relief and it worked so well that I am officially hooked. I won't miss a night. I can't believe my pain is so heavily reduced. As a bonus my "youthful" skin seems to be coming back over night, every night. It truly does look "brighter". So much packed into this formula. I now have a new life.

Rick Irna

 Verified User

i have been using Defy labs since they opened. Pure Relief has been a game changer for my joint and muscle health. I have less pain by the day. Plus, call me crazy but my skin is looking younger even at 89 😜. I feel so much better than I have in years.

Michelle Allen

 Verified User

I'm pain free. This is an exceptional night protocol. Easily the best joint pain solution I have ever tried.

Susie Samuels

 Verified User

For The Past 12 Months Pure Relief™ Was Quietly Sold & Tested In High end Pain Relief Clinics

With Simply Incredible Results

Now, here is something very few know.

As you probably know, any "pain relief" related discovery creates a stir in the pain relief market.

Especially if it involves the joint pain market.  

Let’s face it, "pain relief" clinics are popping up in major cities, catering to the wealthy.

As you now know, Pure Relief™ is able to provide relief while restoring your aging and achy connective tissues over night. 
"In-Clinic" treatments would include steroid shots, red light therapies, needling and many other expensive therapies. 

Now, these are all useful technologies but they are extremely expensive.

So, Pure Relief™ peaked a ton of interest especially with it's relation to the Cell PROTECT acceleration technology.

They were enamored with "over night" joint restoration.  
Personally, I took this time to expand testing.

I worked with some of the biggest clinics in the world to test the effects of nightly Pure Relief™ applications combined with "in-clinic" treatments. 

… And the results were incredible.

Even For Those Getting Weekly Pain Relief Treatments

Nightly Pure Relief™ Significantly Reduced Muscle & Joint Pain While Providing Noticeable Skin Anti-Aging Benefits

Pure Relief™ began flying off their shelves as a way to continue therapy at home, every night. 

It was truly like a joint pain and repair supercharger. 

Pretty cool, right?

Well, this is the point where I knew we had enough data.

Pure Relief™ is simply life changing for those wanting to look and feel younger (finally out of joint and muscle pain).

… And after years of development it is finally being released to the world.  

I Can Say This With 100% Certainty 

Pure Relief™ Is The Most Potent Joint Pain Relief Compound Ever Released In The United States

Well, you now know everything! 

Pure Relief™ joint pain technology is in a league of its own, unmatched.

Results dating back to 1200 BC with Helen of Troy and the Spartans. 

... And Pure Relief™ is SUPERCHARGED by Cell PROTECT, enhancing absorption by 3,000%.

I know this, nothing is more powerful when it comes to Nightly Joint/Muscle Pain Relief and Healing

rebuild your joints overnight at any age

The science is incredible. 

You have now read it all.

The results are in and they are simply astounding.

From the clinical research I did into helenalin, to the emerging and stunning clinical science I just referenced above.

Using Pure Relief™ nightly is truly remarkable.  

Pure Relief™ Is Also Designed To Promote Deep And Restful Sleep

As you know, the focus of this page has been the extraordinary relief and healing effects of concentrated Helenium and MSM.

It is formulated to use nightly, restoring your tissues and skin as you sleep.

However, the benefits go well beyond joint and muscle tissue repair.

Pure Relief™ Is Also Expertly Formulated To Restore And Promote Restful Sleep

wake up energetic and pain free

Obviously, feeling less pain will make it easier to sleep.

However, the ingredients in Pure Relief™ also DIRECTLY promote better sleep, especially peppermint oil and Lavender.

In fact, in some cases these potent oils are used EXCLUSIVELY for better sleep.

Luckily, they come as part of Pure Relief™, allowing your body to fall asleep quicker, sleep deeper and wake up feeling rested, energetic and ready to take on the day.

Pure Relief™ is your path to the best rejuvenating sleep you have had in years while FINALLY overcoming nagging joint and muscle pain. 

Now Ready For US Distribution...

  Pure Relief™, the first helenium based nightly relief cream Ever available In The United States

  • Contains Potent Levels Of Helenium, MSM, Soothing Aloe, Vitamin D & Resveratrol
  • Highly Absorbable Topical Delivery
  • ​100% American Made, On-Demand
  • ​Rubs On In Seconds, Absorbs Quickly
  • ​ZERO Additional Chemicals

A True American Innovation, Every Jar Of Pure Relief™ Is 100% American Made

I have licensed Pure Relief™ EXCLUSIVELY to Defy Labs™ based out of Atlanta, GA.

Defy Labs™ is KNOWN for manufacturing state of the art skin care technologies.

As you know, this exclusive Helenium based extraction is imported from a top European Lab.

Then, each jar of Pure Relief™ is hand-crafted by dedicated Defy Labs™ technicians, right in Atlanta, GA

Pure Relief™ is truly an American Innovation. 

Defy Labs™ only produces a hand full of powerful formulations so they can focus on top notch quality. 
All employees are hired directly and trained to the highest possible standard. 

This is one of the many reasons why I love Defy Labs™...
This is a huge investment in quality that many companies never make.

This is why their product quality is better than anyone on the planet.

They only believe in creating formulas in the most natural and pure state possible, regardless of cost.

That is why every jar of Pure Relief™ is hand crafted in small batches at the time of order. 

This is ALSO why Pure Relief™ is so consistently effective. 

This type of freshness is NOT available anywhere else in the United States. 

Defy Labs™ Jars Pure Relief™ At The Time Of Your Order. Ensuring World Class Freshness And Product Performance.

This process is called "On-Demand" Manufacturing. 

Yes! Your Pure Relief™ is manufactured in real-time as your order received.

This means your Pure Relief™ is made just FOR YOU when your order is placed. 

After being produced, it is then shipped DIRECTLY to your door.

There is no middle man and it doesn't sit around in a foreign warehouse gathering dust and declining in quality. 

No other joint and muscle protocol can guarantee this type of freshness and quality.

This is truly an American innovation.

.... And why Defy Labs™ is regarded as one of the most innovative skin care companies in the world. 

Pure relief™ Rubs On Easily And Goes To Work Restoring Your Joints & Reviving Your Skin Over Night, Every Night

You Can Feel It Working Over Just 1 Night

  • Only Takes Seconds To Rub Into Skin Nightly
  • Enhanced Skin Absorption for Faster Results
  • Cutting Edge Muscle and Joint Relief Technology
  • ​Wake Up With Less Body Pain and Younger Looking Skin
  • Only Takes Seconds To Rub Into Skin Nightly
  • Enhanced Skin Absorption for Faster Results
  • Cutting Edge Muscle and Joint Relief Technology
  • ​Wake Up With Less Body Pain and Younger Looking Skin
Using Pure Relief™ only takes seconds per night.

Research and technology are one thing, but the ease of use is crucial.

We know it needs to be EASY if you are going to use it nightly. 

… And that is why we designed Pure Relief™ to be so easy to use and very fast-acting. 

First, it looks and feels refreshing, a vibrant and cool white cream that smells amazing.
From the first application (which only takes seconds) you will be hooked.

We suggest using it after your nightly shower when your pores are nice and open.

All you have to do is spread a small amount in your hands (a small amount goes a long way) and spread it evenly over your body.

Remember, this is for your body, not your face. 
… And we know this, once it hits your skin, you will love the way it feels.

Many feel their muscles and joints soothed on contact. 

The feel and smell is soothing and relaxing promote a Fantastic Nights sleep

wake up fully rested and pain free

Plus, many wake up after the first use with younger and healthier looking skin. 

Imagine FEELING better and LOOKING younger after just one use. 
From the initial smell to how it feels, you are going to love using it on a daily basis.

But, here is the great news!

All you need to do is commit is seconds per night, that is it.

That is all you need for healthy joints & the best-looking skin of your life. 

However, now I need to address the elephant in the room, PRICING.
How much does something of this "clinical effectiveness" cost in the open market.

Well, let's jump in....

Within Months, Defy Labs™ Pure Relief™ Will Be Sold Inside High End Anti-Aging Clinics All over the United states

The MSRP will likely be $150 per jar. 

... And that is $80 less that during it's initial pilot program.
Remember the "in-clinic" test we referenced before, the going price was $200 for a 30 day supply and our small network of clinics could not keep it on the shelves.

Plus, users felt like it was worth every penny.

Within days, their joint pain was all but gone and their skin began to look younger. 

Each day their joints and muscles felt nourished and pain free. 

All from giving their skin EXACTLY what it needed, innovative Helenium, joint building MSM and a host of powerful anti-aging ingredients.  
However, at scale, we decided to make it a bit more affordable

In The Coming Months, Pure Relief™ Will Be Available For $150 Per 30 Day Jar At Some Of The Top Anti-Aging Clinics In The World

But Keep Reading Below For Your Special Price

... And we expect them to sell out daily.

Heck, $150 is far less than some of the "therapeutic brand" night creams and joint creams sold today.

None of which have the scientific backing of Pure Relief™

Here is a quick look at Amazon...
Yes! Some go for nearly $500 and they fly off the shelves.

$200 or more is totally standard.

... Making $150 a total bargain when you figure the science and exclusivity behind this incredible joint restoring Helenium formula.

Now, here is the biggest shocker...

If this same "MSM based" application was applied "in-clinic" you would pay over $1,000 for the EXACT same treatment.

Seriously - take a look at these numbers...

Pure Relief™ Is 1/5 Th The Cost Of "In-Clinic" Collagen & Pain Relief Treatments...

And You Won't Need A Doctor

As we have established, in-clinic "pain relief" therapy is considered the GOLD STANDARD in the fight against human aging.
Plus, add in specialized "pain relief" therapies. 

... And sure, these doctor administered therapies can be POWERFUL.

But, it is INCREDIBLY expensive which is why it is catered to the rich and elite.

However, you won't believe just HOW expensive it can get.

Firstly, lets focus on "pharmaceutical grade" MSM, also known as "collagen treatments"
... The costs keep building month after month. 

Here is what I found...
  • The initial consult normally costs roughly $600 to see the doctor and get initial treatment
  • ​This cost becomes monthly as nothing is a permanent fix, collagen treatments need to be redone monthly
  • ​In-clinic "Pain Relief" protocols such as red light therapy, far infrared saunas, cryo therapy and needling will cost you as much as $400 per month
... And that is on top of the collagen treatments

The National Average Is Roughly $1,000 Per Month With All Costs Included For Both Anti-Aging and Joint Pain Relief

... And in some areas of the country this is much higher (Like Los Angeles or New York).

$1,000 is a high end car payment, EVERY SINGLE MONTH, on average. 

However, some celebrities have spent as much as $30,000 a month on "designer" skin and pain relief therapies.

This is why "Anti-Aging" doctors are striking it rich all over the United States. 

They pull up to their expertly designed and constructed offices in their exotic sports cars.

Well, it makes sense now, right?

... And here is the crazy part.

At Home Pure Relief™ Has As Much If Not More Clinical Backing, At A Mere Fraction Of The "In-Clinic" Price

Now, as you see, $150 per jar is truly a value.

... And you can use it on your own terms, in seconds per day. 

Cool, Right?

Even with all of that... 

On This Page Only...

I Am Making Pure Relief™ Accessible & Affordable To All Aging Americans

I Am Offering A Deep Discount

I am slashing the price to only $150 $29.

Yes! You read that right.

On this page (for you only) I am slashing the price of Pure Relief™ to the lowest levels ever.

Frankly, this is just over manufacturers cost. 

However, due to demand, this page resets every 60 minutes.

Why? Promotional inventory is limited and this discount is huge. 

Once discounted, Pure Relief™ will become the most affordable, "In-Clinic" level anti-aging cream and joint cream in the world.

Why? I want to make this powerful product affordable to the general population seeking younger looking skin.

I don’t want price to be a barrier.

I want everyone reading to experience what I have experienced and seen with my own eyes. 

The discount I am giving you is as good as cash.

I Just Activated An Instant Credit Of $113 Towards Pure Relief™

Here Are The Numbers:

 In-Clinic Mineral Treatments:
 Comparable "Luxury Brand" Creams:
 Retail MSRP:
 Lowest Online Pricing:

On This Page You only Pay: $29

You Are Paying Less Than $1.25 Per Day For The Most Potent Joint Pain Relief Protocol ever released in the united states

The Power of "In-Clinic" Therapy, Right From Home

Let that sink in.

Pay as little as $1.25 per day is 50% less than a daily cup of coffee  house coffee.

In fact, it is less than many things you spend money on daily.

… And none of those have the huge potential of changing your skin like Pure Relief™. 

For As Little As $1.25 Per Day, You Are Gaining Access To The Only Helenium Based Joint Pain Protocol Available In The United States. Wake Up Daily With Less Pain & Younger Looking Skin.

You could finally feel great again. 

... And your muscles and joints can feel younger than they have in years. 

Let’s be real - we all want to be ACTIVE and the youngest looking in our friend group, and this could be your secret.

I firmly believe your most active years are STILL ahead of you.

Ive seem dramatic changes in those that use Pure Relief™ daily.

Plus, you can throw out your nightly moisturizer, Pure Relief™ will do that job as well. 

That is more money saved. 

... And there is a way to INCREASE your savings...

On This Page...

You Can Pay ONLY $29 per 30 day jar of Pure Relief™

Try For As Little As $1 Per Day

… And I will still have it shipped FREE directly from Defy Labs™.  

Here is How:

Some of you reading this have followed my work for a long time.

Or maybe you were part of the initial Pure Relief™ private testing. 

As you know, Pure Relief™ is a nightly use product. 

With That Known You Can Save EVEN More By Purchasing Additional Jars (At No Risk) - Boosting Your Total Savings To Over $700

As you know, you will pay $29 for one jar (You Save $121).

However, if you want to stock up purchase 3 jars you will SAVE $363!

… And if you REALLY want to stock up so you never run out we suggest purchasing 6 jars, you will only pay $29 per jar, saving you an ASTOUNDING $726 in savings.

Save $121

Buy 1 Jar
Retail Price: $150
You Save: $121

Best value!
SAVE $726
FREE Shipping

Buy 6 Jars
Retail Price: $900
You Save: $726

Save $363

Buy 3 Jars
Retail Price: $450
You Save: $363
Why would you buy that many? Pure Relief™ is a nightly use product, you do not want to run out. 

Again, these are the same jars you would buy from a high end retailer at $150 each.

Shipped directly from Defy Labs™ to your door for no charge. 

No strings attached, this is a one-time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the redemption process is very simple, it takes less than 5 minutes. 

No hoops to jump through. 

At The Bottom Of This Page, You Will Find A Secure Order Form That Takes Only Minutes To Complete

your discount is already pre activated below

Once finished, you will have locked in one of the first public jars of Pure Relief™ offered anywhere in the world.

I can say this with ease.

For $29 you will not find a more advanced nightly skin & muscle cream, it does not exist. 

In fact, nothing is close by a country mile.

…. And I still have a huge surprise. 

Upon Purchase Of Pure Relief™, Defy Labs™ Will Send You A $50 Gift "Limitless" Card Towards Any Product, Store Wide...

Even our global best sellers, across all of our partner brands.
This is huge!

As you now know, Defy Labs™ is affiliated with some of the most powerful anti aging products in the world.

Many private formulas developed solely for aging Americans who are looking to regain an edge.

Powerful Innovations Such As...

  • Nutra IGF™ Natural HGH
  • PhytoTest™ Natural Testosterone
  • ​Sirtuin™ "Youth Gene Activation" 
  • ​Liponine™ Blood Sugar Management
  • Carditrol™ Blood Pressure Support
  • Wearable FAR Infrared (Joint Healing)
  • Clinically Proven Sexual Support
  • ​Patented Skin Serums For Fighting Age

Plus, Much More In Development...

You can use your gift card towards the products you know and love. 

Each jar is manufactured using the highest quality protocols in the world.

… Just imagine what any one of these products could do for your daily life.

As soon as you complete your Pure Relief™ purchase Defy Labs™ will activate a $50 gift card in your name.

Cool, right?

Plus, this entire transaction is RISK FREE!

100% Money Back Guarantee

If Pure Relief™ Doesn’t Bring Results, Defy Labs™ Will Buy It Back, No Questions Asked

... And You Keep The $50 Gift Card

Yes, this is 100% serious.

This is how much I believe in Pure Relief™. 

When I first announced this policy the Defy team thought I totally lost my mind. 
Their financial controllers kind of froze up on me. 

Heck, I thought I was going to be exiled from announcing this to the public. 

However, I am doing it anyways.

I want to remove ALL risk from your shoulders so you have no reason not to try. 

Why? Because I know the power of Pure Relief™
I use it personally every night and I have seen it time and time again change lives.  

100% Money Back: If You Don't Like Pure Relief™ For Any Reason Defy Labs™ Will Buy Your Jar Back And You Keep The $50 Gift Card

To Confirm, Today I Am Backing Your Order Of Pure Relief™ With A 90 day Money-Back Guarantee (Plus More).

Here is how it works...

After purchase, you will get a full 90 days to use Pure Relief™ and feel the life-changing effects.
You must use it as directed, every night for full effect.  

When you do, the skin and relief benefits will be life-changing, I can say that with TOTAL confidence. 

However, if you don't feel the same, no worries.

You are not risking a dime. 
Defy Labs™ will buy your jars back (even if empty), you are out nothing.

... And here is the crazy part. 

You will also keep your $50 gift card towards our other award-winning formulas only produced in our private lab.

Some of which are only being offered in the most elite anti-aging facilities. 


You can choose what you want. 

I am willing to risk this because I know that you are going to love Pure Relief™. 

You won't want to return it, heck, you will wish you ordered more.

However, it was important for me to totally remove your risk. 

I believe in Pure Relief™ with everything I have, I have personally seen what it has done for thousands. 

I don't want anything to come between you and feeling amazing again. 

With that in mind, I want to answer the next logical question.

Now, here is the obvious question...

Why Am I Doing This? 

After You Try Pure Relief™ You Will Be A Defy Labs™ Customer For Life

Consider This An Ethical Bribe

Let me summarize what you are getting…

You Are Saving Up to $726, Backed by a Risk Free Guarantee and Receiving an Instant $50 Gift Card At Checkout.

There is no argument, that is a ton of value.
But why?

Let me explain…

I am confident when I say this. 

Pure Relief™ is not the end all, be all.

It is just the beginning for you and Defy Labs™.

It is just one part of an entire anti aging protocol that is being developed.

As in the name, Defy Labs™ specializes in fighting father time with the most innovative "anti-aging" products in the world.

Products that were ONLY exclusively sold for full price until very recently.

…. And that is why I am willing to give you this type of huge discount in the form of an instant store credit.

This is JUST the beginning.

Once Pure Relief™ helps you look and feel younger you will want to push the results further.

You will want to try all that Defy Labs™ has to offer.

So, In Essence, This Store Credit Is An Ethical Bribe. I Am Giving You Money To Try Pure Relief™ Because I Know You Won’t Stop There.

You will feel it in your bones.

You will know that you are days away from looking and feeling younger than ever. 

... And you will want to try more of what Defy rolls out. 

Plus, your friends and family will notice how active and "young" you appear.

Plus, they will notice how great you are feeling without joint and muscle pain. 

... And they will want to know the secret, driving them to also try Pure Relief™, spreading the word further. 

This is a true WIN, WIN.

However, I need to address one last thing before you go.

What Happens If You Do Nothing?

You Will Let Daily Pain End Your Active Life

Now, you know everything.

Your skin, muscles and joints is craving this highly effective formula, it wants to rebuild each and every night.

This protocol is MANDATORY if you want you want to finally beat muscle and joint pain while looking younger than ever

Sadly, there is no work around.

This is how God created our skin, you need nourishment for healthy skin growth and tissue repair.  

I even showed you how "store bought" formulas won't make a dent in how you feel.

This god given solution has been around since 1200 BC, right there for the taking. 

So, now the ball is in your court.

With that said, I want you to think about life IF you do nothing.

Point blank, nothing will change.

Your pain levels will only get worse and worse.

  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Skin Wrinkles and Dryness
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Skin Wrinkles and Dryness
You will look and feel older than ever. 

Your confidence will keep declining.

You will begin to get less and less active. 

... And you will miss out on valuable time with your family. 

Personally, I feel like you deserve better than that.

This solution is based on powerful science and it begins working nearly immediately.

You can literally FEEL IT absorbing into your skin, promoting sleep and nourishing your muscles and joints until you are finally pain free. 

Plus, I have removed all risk.

Heck, you will actually come out AHEAD if it doesn't work, getting all of your money back and keeping the $50 gift card.

You are SO CLOSE to a younger and pain free YOU.

However, don't let hesitation cost you a ton in the end.

Hurry, Your Discount Is Expiring

Remember, due to demand, promotional inventory resets every 60 minutes.
… And much of that time is gone.

Look at the timer above, time is ticking away. 
... And inventory is not guaranteed. 

Right Now, There Are Thousands On This Same Page Clamoring To Try Pure Relief™ For A Huge Discount

In fact, look the bottom left of your screen.

Those are other aging Americans securing their jar of Pure Relief™

... They could be reserving one of the last ones we have. 

Remember, your window is closing - in a few minutes this page will go dark.

When the clock hits "0" your exclusive access to Pure Relief™ could be gone. 

This page will not refresh.

 Don't let that happen.

The secure order form is just below... 

Your Jar Is Held For:

90% Claimed

Discounted jars: 90% Claimed

  • 6 Jar Limit
  • ​Exclusive Pricing
  • ​Easily to Glide Application
  • Made Fresh On Demand
  • $50 Gift Card Upon Order
  • ​100% American Made

MSRP $150

This Page Only: $29 *

*Due to Demand You Are Limited to 6 Discounted Jars

Offer Only Available on this page

90% Claimed

Start Your Journey to pain free joints

Choose Product Variation: Price
$29 (Save $121) 
$87 (Save $363)
$174 (Save $726)
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Email Address*
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** Please Be Advised When Adding Your Shipping Information When Placing An Order. If Any Part Of Your Shipping Information Is Entered Incorrectly Your Order Will Be Cancelled And Refunded

*By Completing the Form Above and Clicking The "Complete Purchase" Button You Are Acknowledge the Amount Stated

This Order is Covered By Our 100% "Risk Free" Money Back Guarantee

Since 2011 we have offered the strongest 100% Money-Back Guarantee in the health industry. It is simple, if you do not like the product for any reason you can return it within 90 days for a 100% Full Refund. We give you a Full 90 days so you can get a chance to experience FULL USE of the product before you have to make a decision. 
Complete Your Order And Rest Easy Knowing Your Purchase Is Secure!
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health and physical condition. Results shown are not typical and you may not get the same benefits. However, by taking the supplement and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise, you give yourself the best chance at staying healthy and fighting off premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is provided with healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. Individual results will vary and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and nutraceutical inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products but compensated for use of his various nutraceutical ingredient manufacturing patents.

By entering your phone number you agree that we may send you text notifications and text marketing offers. If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving text marketing messages and notifications reply with STOP to any mobile message sent from us. You understand and agree that alternative methods of opting out, such as using alternative words or requests will not be accounted as a reasonable means of opting out. Message and data rates may apply.

Defy Labs, LLC